The impact of evalgelization included an increase in Christian faith and a decline in polygamy and certain ancestral practices. Today, the village of Tomegbe is predominantly Catholic, with a vibrant Christianity and many local priests and nuns who have dedicated their lives to the service of the whole Church. Catholic traditions have become the traditions in the village.
Repair and maintenance work are now needed on the Notre Dame de Lourdes church. The church was built by the local population, who benefited from the boom in cocoa farming. At present, though, the population has become increasingly impoverished, making it necessary to call on outside help to pay for repair and maintenance work. For the past five years, the church has been unable to ring the two bells in the bell towner because the tower rattles when the bells ring. The roof of the church and the area around the altar are leaking. Also, the rectory building where the priests live and work needs a fence for protection and security. We appeal to the generosity of St John XXIII Parish to support our Sharing Parish of Notre Dame de Lourdes de Tomegbe and to make this new missionary partnership a living witness of the mandate we have received: Go into all the world and preach the Good News. Whatever we give here in Evanston will be greatly appreciated and will have a big impact on people’s lives and faith in Tomegbe. Yours in Christ, Fr. Jean-Philippe Lokpo Comments are closed.
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