Lectors are entrusted to proclaim the Word of God to those assembled at each Mass, reading the Scriptures in a way that reveals its meaning and deepens the community’s understanding of what God is saying. Lectors also raise the community’s prayers to God by leading intercessions, the Prayers of the Faithful.
Individuals interested in this ministry must be able to proclaim the sacred texts intelligibly and comfortably and be present 20 minutes before Mass begins. They are scheduled about once a month. Lectors commit to prayerful preparation at home, reading the scripture assigned and reflecting on its meaning. They must seek to understand the characters, time, and place in the Scripture reading and practice in order to connect with the intention and emotion of what they are proclaiming. English Lectors at St. Mary
To volunteer, please contact Jane Colleton at [email protected].
English Lectors at St. Nicholas
English lectors practice at home. They attend a 30-minute training session before the first time that they serve, with follow-up training available. Cynthia Judge coordinates the lectors.
To volunteer, please submit the St. Nicholas Lector Inquiry Form below. Spanish Lectors at St. Nicholas
Lectors at Spanish Masses meet monthly to reflect on the readings and to practice. Their time together is prayerful and also practical, covering pronunciation questions as well as how and when to move in our worship space. They should be fully literate in Spanish, have familiarity with Catholic liturgy, and have basic knowledge of the Bible. Above all, time dedicated to prayer and reading of scripture is essential for their formation.
St. Nicholas Lector Inquiry Form
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