Inputs gathered by dioceses in the United States and Canada were combined into one “North American Continental Report” which was sent to the committee preparing the agenda for the October 2023 gathering of the Synod in Rome. It was one of eight such continental reports sent from around the world. Mexico joined with the rest of Central and South America to produce their own report on behalf of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The North American continental report was developed through twelve virtual assemblies, convening in early 2023 all across the United States and Canada. There were 931 delegates to these assemblies, including 626 lay people and 305 priests and religious people. In total, women slightly outnumbered men. The reports from these assemblies were sent to the North American Synod Team, who would go on to write the final continental report. The body of the report included five North American priorities for the agenda committee to consider for the October synod at the Vatican. The following is the executive summary of those five priorities from the report itself:
Next time: The agenda of the October Synod meeting and how the issues to be discussed are stated in the Working Document. Read more from our series about the Synod on Synodality: Part 1: A Synod on Synodality Part 2: Gathering Input Part 4: October Agenda Part 5: Questions and Expectations Part 6: Session 1 Final Report SJ23 Parishioner's Reflection from Rome Comments are closed.
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