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Our Religious Education Program for our children (PreK-High School) is a family-centered program offering two sessions, one in Spanish and one in English to meet the needs of your family.
We use the Finding God bilingual textbook series from Loyola Press to help families integrate the rites and traditions of the Catholic Faith into their daily lives and raise awareness that the life of the Church is in our homes, our schools and workplaces, in the life of our communities, and in the world. Traditional Classroom Program:
Home-Based Catechesis
Sacramental Preparation All the children of our parish, whether they participate in our Religious Education Program or attend our parish school, Pope John XXIII, or another Catholic school, come together with their families through the parish religious education program to prepare to celebrate the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. Program Forms & Schedules Registration Forms: Will be available by April 30, 2023 to download, print and complete or complete online. |
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