2024 St. Nick's Fest Craft Fair Saturday, December 7 and Sunday December 8
Thank you for your interest in participating in the St. Nick’s Fest Craft Fair 2024! Please read through the information below for information about the Craft Fair and instructions for registering. If you prefer, you can download a PDF of these instructions by clicking here.
ELIGIBILITY This Craft Fair is for exhibitors who display original pieces that they, themselves, have made. We reserve the right to ask crafters to remove any items that do not meet this requirement from their display.
LOCATION Pope John XXIII School Cafeteria and Oldershaw Hall 1108 & 1120 Washington St., Evanston, IL 60202
DATES & TIMES Saturday, December 7, 2024
Friday, December 6 - 8 to 9 p.m. or
Saturday, December 7 - 7 to 8 a.m.
Exhibit hours
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Sunday, December 8 - 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Exhibit hours
Saturday & Sunday, one table: $130
Saturday & Sunday, two tables: $260
Saturday only, one table: $75
Saturday only, two tables: $150
Sunday only, one table: $55
Sunday only, two tables: $110
Each table includes two chairs. Crafters are requested to provide their own table cloths. Crafters providing their own table should indicate that on the registration form. Crafters receive 100% of the proceeds from their sales.
REGISTRATION Registration opens Monday, July 1 and closes Friday, November 1. To be assured of placement, early registration is encouraged. Registration can completed be online or by paper, but online is preferred.
Although this is not a juried craft fair, registration is by invitation. Returning crafters are invited automatically, and will be emailed the registration link on the opening date.
If you are a crafter interested in being a first-time exhibitor, please call or email Bob Shuford, Craft Fair Coordinator, to communicate your interest and request the registration link. Phone: 847.404.3566 Email: [email protected]